Our Technology can help you
Willowmore is the only Singapore company among many other established international conglomerates to be listed as an innovator on Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association (GSMA). How did we do it? Read on to find out how we achieve this feat. Read Here, and see how our technology can help you or your business.
Who is GSMA and what do they do?
GSMA is the organization that set standards and rules for 3G, 4G and 5G. The focus this year was – “Bringing together Innovators in the fields of Energy Efficiency, Backhaul Relief and Infrastructure Sharing”. This will help Telcos tackle problems that can eventually bring down their OpEX and CaPEX costs. To do this, GSMA Beta lab built a Network Economic Model which was developed to “profile new disruptive technologies or network management strategies that can deliver efficiencies or new revenues”.
What was the validation process?
A chosen company should provide a solution that has been tested and applied by company(ies) in the Telco Industry; it has to increase productivity, decrease their OpEX Cost, reduce theft, vandalism and many other problems. After pitching our solutions and going through our references, we will then be evaluated through the Network Economic Model. “ The modelling is then ratified via operator review to evaluate their potential impact, and the goal is to showcase the “best of the best” and identify collaborative actions to support operators”. Any company that wants to be evaluated under this model will have to go through a validation process that will take about 6 months.
Our Idea
Theft and vandalism were top issues for all Telecom infrastructure. As sharing economy continues to make more sense for businesses – managing manpower, accessibility and security becomes the priority. Willowmore provides an Access Control Management System coupled with our smart padlocks to help operators and tower companies swap out their current mechanical locks and key press system.
By eliminating mechanical keys and the retrieval/return process, along with duplication risks, operators can look to save more than USD9 Million per annum. On top of that, businesses are able to retrieve data records from the system and provide a holistic platform to track every single user and their performance based on their operation habits via unique virtual keys.
Thank you
We would like to thank our partners for their support and the GSMA
#featuredinnovator #gsma #singaporeiot #singaporesmartlock #accesscontrolmanagementsystem